Prevalence of HPV biomarkers in a screened population

Methods: Eligibility criteria identified individuals whose serum and rinse were tested for HPV DNA and E6 antibodies. Being ‘At-Risk’ was defined as detection of any oncogenic HPV biomarkers in rinse or serum. HPV biomarker prevalence’s were compared between “at-risk” MOUTH population and NHANES general population by equality of proportions test. Logistic regression identified baseline predictors of being “at-risk”. Sexual and substance use characteristics were compared between at-risk and not at-risk populations using χ2 and Fisher exact tests.

Why: To evaluate whether criteria based on sexual history, age, history of anogenital cancers or having partners with HPV related cancers can statistically enrich for a population at higher risk of developing OPC compared to general population. Additionally to identify modifiable behaviors cross-sectionally associated with being at-risk for HPV-OPC

Significance: Informing future HPV-OPC screening, as there is a current dearth of the same.

Pairwise comparison of concordance between rinse and serum biomarkers for HPV16 was poor (all kappa<0.14). HPV16E6 and E7 seropositivity concordance was low, with only 2/ 77 participants positive for HPV16 E6 and E7 antibodies

Prevalence of any oncogenic HPV DNA, Oral HPV16DNA and serum HPV16 E6 antibodies was significantly higher in the MOUTH screened population compared to the general (NHANES) population

The higher prevalence persisted for any oncogenic HPV DNA when stratified by sex, HIV status and lifetime oral sex partners; for Oral HPV16 DNA when stratified by HIV status; and HPV16 E6 antibodies when stratified by sex.


Plasma HPVDNA among HPV-OPC controls and alternate biomarker concordance


Feasibility of clinical evaluation of individuals at increased risk of HPV-OPC